Wren Howell
March 14, 2022


Posted on March 14, 2022  •  1 minutes  • 182 words

One of the great benefits of working in the tech field is that there is always something new to learn. As a developer, you want to learn new tools that help you finish tasks, and as a security professional, you need to be cognizant of how bad actors will abuse technology. For the next six months, I want to learn how to be proficient in Kubernetes. My old team was in the process of adopting Kubernetes, but I wasn’t part of that project, so I missed the opportunity to learn it. I also want to learn a little bit about the infrastructure using cloud services as well, and since Kubernetes has cloud integration with GCP, Azure, and AWS, it is a good opportunity to gain some exposure to the cloud as well. For this journey, I bought a course on Udemy, Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA), by Mumshad Mannambeth. Mumshad Mannambeth is the founder of KodeKloud and has excellent tutorials on many subjects. I am about 30% done with the course and I hope I can finish in the next couple of months.

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